Barriers to rare diseases treatment

Dr Dima Martini-Drew and Dr Maryna Kolochavina discuss the barriers to rare diseases treatment and how the pharmaceutical industry can help overcome these.

Photo – A scientist in a lab looking through a microscope


Barriers to rare diseases treatment

Watch as Dr Dima Martini-Drew and Dr Maryna Kolochavina discuss the main barriers to treatment for rare diseases and discover the potential solutions to these barriers. The video which plays during the first presentation belongs to The Lily Foundation.

What are the barriers to rare diseases from an industry perspective?

Watch the highlights of Dr Dima Martini-Drew’s presentation on the barriers that exist to rare disease treatment from the perspective of the pharma industry.

How can the industry work more effectively to overcome treatment barriers?

Watch the highlights of Dr Maryna Kolochavina’s presentation, proposing a new model of cooperation in drug development to achieve better results for the patient.

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